The Return of Investment (ROI) is a way to measure the efficiency of an investment keeping in mind the return of the investment compared to what it cost. Every company, no matter the kind of business they do, is always checking their ROI to see how they are doing, where they should improve, and whether their strategy needs to be changed or not.
Two Ways to Check Your PR ROI
When it comes to PR activities, there are two ways in which you can measure your ROI:
- With every monetary gain you’ve had from PR activities.
- Any earned media that helps build credibility and reputation.
A Good PR Strategy for your eCommerce
By tracking these two elements, you will know the kind of improvements you should be making, or which good strategies have been working for your company. But these don’t just work on their own. There are a few other aspects of your business that you need to take into consideration.
- Page Views: when a page on your site is clicked on a Google ad. This depends on the market of your startup and the type of content it produces. What matters is that the views increase month to month.
- Bounce Rate: the ratio of single page sessions on your site to multiple page sessions. It depends on the purpose of a page and can be affected by third-party plugins, incorrect tracking tags, and poorly implemented analytics code.
- Audience: always keep your target audience in mind because it will allow you to develop the desired consumer profile. You will need this information for the content you want to create since it is important to know the most popular user demographics.
- Domain Authority Score: it is a comparative representation of how the content of your site will be ranked on Google SERPS. It basically shows, from 1 to 100, how high Google will value your content.
Why Hiring A Publicist Is Vital
Knowing how your PR ROI works will help you determine a more functioning strategy. You need to understand your earnings to make sure you aren’t losing money and your budget is up to date. These are a few of the elements that will guide you through your financial process since it is very important to keep in mind how your website is working, how many view it is receiving, and how the audience you are trying to reach will react to your content. After all, the way you are viewed will establish your credibility leading to a higher monetary income and better media relations.
Tags: business professionals, business success, return on investment, roi