Melanie headshot

Hi, I'm Melanie

I can’t wait to meet you and help share your story :)

It's great to meet you!

A Little About Myself


Melanie is a passionate storyteller and relationship builder.

She has previously landed her clients coverage in Forbes, The Wall Street Journal, Fast Company, Fortune, USA Today, MarketWatch, Yahoo, Business Insider, Tech Times, and many other respected publications. Melanie also helps her clients produce content for the Forbes Councils. 

As Otter PR’s resident astrologer, Melanie even plans her pitches around the planetary charts

Favorite Client Types:

Melanie enjoys working with clients that are making a difference, whether it be in their community or in the professional world. She loves clients that are passionate with a strong sense of identity and purpose. She enjoys working with authentic business owners, senior leaders, innovators, and thought leaders. At Otter, Melanie specializes in the future of work.

Otter Things to Know:

Melanie is an extrovert who loves making connections. She has played soccer for over 16 years and enjoys traveling, yoga, astrology, music, and adventure.

Why work with Melanie? Read more from her in Communication Intelligence Magazine.

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The Why’s Behind the Benefits of Public Relations

Melanie Parncutt

Are you a good fit?

The amount of publicity they have generated for has been nothing short of impressive. It has dramatically increased new clients by 30% and I have seen my platforms grow 2-fold

Mike Mandell


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