Want to get verified?

If you are interested in hiring Otter PR for Verification, please complete the form below to see if you qualify to speak with us. Due to large amount of interest in Verification, we only have the capacity to speak with highly qualified people.

Verification Screening

Please complete this form to gain access to our team to discuss Verification of your social media accounts.

Step 1 of 3

  • Verification is expensive and may take a long time. Be prepared to pay up to $25K for Verification on a personal Instagram account and $10K for Verification on a personal TikTok account. Due to the number of inquiries that we receive, and the limited capacity for Verification, we will only speak to customers that are willing and able to afford these services.

How Can We Help?

The amount of publicity they have generated for has been nothing short of impressive. It has dramatically increased new clients by 30% and I have seen my platforms grow 2-fold

Mike Mandell


Interested in working with Otter PR?

Fill in the form below to book a 15 min no-obligation consulting session.
