Yash Jain is the founder and CEO of Hero Trainer, an application that awards video game users for walking through various incentives. Through working with Otter PR, Yash was able to massively increase his application’s user base and secure multiple pieces of press coverage that received national media attention. This was especially relevant during the COVID-19 pandemic, as a massive increase in gaming during this time led to broader worries regarding overall social health and concerns about rising obesity — particularly among younger gamers.
The Problem
Yash came to Otter PR with a brilliant idea for helping gamers stay in shape throughout the pandemic. During this time, with many gyms left closed, millions of people were left with few options as to how they could best remain physically active and fit. While Yash boasted a stellar product in Hero Trainer — as well as numerous partnerships — he knew he needed the exposure necessary to take his application from a great idea into a national phenomenon.
The Strategy
We tasked ourselves with figuring out the perfect approach to communicate the idea behind Hero Trainer to a wider audience of gamers. While we knew this had to be done in a way that exemplified how Hero Trainer’s users could have fun and benefit financially at the same time, we also knew that we needed to discover how to obtain Technology coverage for this product in technology-, business-, and gaming-specific publications.
In order to accomplish this successfully, we knew that several different angles would be needed. Our team began pitching Yash’s story behind — and vision for — Hero Trainer to a variety of outlets, highlighting his application as a key solution for a wide variety of consumer demographics during the peak months of the Covid pandemic.
The Success
Through a targeted PR outreach campaign, we were able to generate massive interest in Hero Trainer from publications in the health & wellness and video game industries. By positioning Yash as a visionary entrepreneur who wanted to improve the health of the gaming community, our team was able to generate repeated successes for Yash and Hero Trainer.
We were able to utilize our media network to land multiple pieces of coverage for technology-centric publications. To this extent, we positioned Hero Trainer as a humanitarian platform, and by covering it, these publications would help increase overall public awareness of health. We were then able to transition this value proposition to hit publications tied to the gaming industry through targeted pitches to several journalists who were able to use the product first-hand.