Organizational Performance Group

Case Study

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Project Overview

Organizational Perfomance Group (OPG) is a consulting firm that believes the ability to work together is critical to the success of an organization. They offer a deep range of organizational development service lines, including strategic planning, leadership coaching, and management and leadership training.

Partner and co-founder, Laura Freebairn-Smith, has been a consultant for such distinguished organizations as the New York Times, Lemann Foundation, and ESPN. Her specialty is assisting leaders in realizing the full potential of their organizations through humanistic and analytical practices, while offering guidance in the redesign of infrastructure, the creation of strategic plans, and with organizational development.

By partnering with Otter PR, OPG hoped to gain more media exposure to both expand their clientele as well as offer their expert’s commentary on current events.

The Problem

OPG strives to help organizations that are at an inflection point in their growth or are looking to stay competitive in an ever-changing environment. Their strategic planning services bridge the known and the aspirational through development, decisions, and direction. In addition to producing a plan and generating commitment to that plan, their process builds camaraderie, expands expertise, empowers internal planners, and creates energy.

Additionally, OPG works with organization leadership to help them grow as leaders. OPG’s research has shown that successful companies are healthy companies. Leaders should be supportive in surmounting obstacles, build commitment and enthusiasm company-wide, and see the possibilities in all situations. OPG’s Abundance Leadership program is helping leaders maximize their leadership impact.

The Strategy

At Otter PR, we took a two-pronged approach with OPG. We worked to build better awareness of abundance leadership through feature stories on the topic in online publications. We also closely followed the news of the day to find opportunities for OPG experts to weigh in and offer commentary. One successful example was on the topic of the four-day work week. Otter PR and OPG were able to collaborate on a guest column that eventually ran in the Sunday edition of the Baltimore Sun, one of the nation’s top 40 daily newspapers. The exposure from this column landed OPG in multiple other publications and continues to bring in press inquiries to this day.

Business Impact (results)

Without a doubt OPG’s brand awareness is growing. Their SEO has already improved and with continued press exposure will continue to do so. They focus on four main fields, with the education arena being one of them. Through their work with Otter PR, OPG has already landed an opportunity to contribute on a regular basis with an education oriented newsletter. This will help them reach farther into a target market and potentially gain new clients.

Tags: business, Education, Healthcare, non-profit, personal development
Picture of Brittany Bearden

Brittany Bearden

Brittany has been a publicist for more than 10 years and has written over 2000 press releases.


Picture of Brittany Bearden

Brittany Bearden

Brittany has been a publicist for more than 10 years and has written over 2000 press releases.

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