As a small business owner, it’s important to keep up with the latest marketing trends. The new year is already almost two months in and as an entrepreneur you might be asking yourself, how should I market my brand or business in 2021? Here are five popular marketing strategies that are proven to work and will help your business grow this year.
Update Old Content
This one seems simple, but it’s a marketing strategy that business owners often forget about. Your old content might not be relevant to your company’s message or image that you want to portray. It is always a good idea to look at your social media channels, official website or shop and see what needs to be edited, revamped, or deleted. Though it depends on your industry or niche, with the internet being so accessible in recent years, consumers are constantly bombarded with new information. In response, you need to make sure that you’re keeping up with any updates in your industry. Google prioritizes relevant articles, pages, and websites over outdated content. If you want to properly market your business and make sure your website is getting hits, it’s important to replace any old content with new.
Email Marketing
Market your business through email! Everybody has an email address these days. According to a study done by McKinsey and Company, email marketing is up to forty times more effective than marketing through social media! The buying process happens three times faster through email marketing than social media. People are constantly checking their emails and an email feels more personalized than a mass advertisement on social media. Email marketing has only gotten more creative throughout the years, as well. People are now inserting videos and gifs into their emails, sharing stories, creating contests for people to enter, and coupon codes to use. Email marketing is great because it is easily tailorable to whatever angle you want to market your business, service, or product at.
User Experience
Focusing on the user experience of your website (or app if you have one!) is also a marketing technique that business owners don’t think about. However, the user experience of your website is highly important when converting hits into sales. A website with good user experience is accessible and intuitive to use. Accessible websites mean more users can navigate the website easily, as users with disabilities will be able to use it. Google also ranks accessible websites in their search results than websites that are not optimized to be accessible for those with disabilities. Websites that are intuitive make the process of finding products and checking out more seamless. No one wants to have to jump through hoops to be able to buy something. This is why user experience is so important for sales and marketing your business.
Personalized Marketing
Up to 90% of consumers have reported that they find personalization appealing. Consumers want to feel like they are being seen and that their unique needs are being met. This is why, as previously stated, email marketing is more successful than a mass, general social media ad. Emails have a more personal feel to them as they are sent directly to the consumer’s inbox and will often greet them by name. Use personalization in any aspect of marketing your business and you will be sure to see great results. This could be through personalized recommendations for similar products. Showing different suggestions of add-ons or services that you feel your customer would benefit from is also a helpful way to increase sales for your business.
Video Marketing
With the success and popularity of YouTube, it’s easy to see why video marketing is definitely a strategy you should try in 2021.The attention span of the average consumer is growing shorter and shorter. In turn, videos are becoming a more and more popular form of delivering information. They don’t require the attention that reading something longform would require. This means that people can more easily consume videos while living their busy lives. Videos also provide a more dynamic experience for the consumer. Multiple forms of information can be consumed while watching a video. You can incorporate graphs, data, music, or other forms of media into your video. Diversifying your video makes the experience a lot more enjoyable and interesting for consumers. Videos are a creative and effective way to market your small business or brand.
In Conclusion
Expand your knowledge of marketing trends to make sure you’re properly marketing your business! Using these proven, popular methods of marketing is a smart way to help get your company’s name out there.
Tags: business tips, Digital marketing, entrepreneur, marketing, marketing strategies, small business